Friday, August 14, 2020

Ethics in Extended Essay Topics

Ethics in Extended Essay TopicsExtended Essay Topics can be based on any type of topic that you choose. It can also be based on ethics and moral dilemma. Moral dilemmas are really difficult to write about because they really challenge your thinking.Nowadays, people are not very honest with each other. This is why ethics are really necessary in order to be ethical and also make sure that no one gets cheated. Because people may think that ethics are a broad topic, it will be very important for you to know what it is about.Ethics are basically about a person's behavior. It is defined as the rules that everyone should follow in a certain situation. Ethics can also be defined as how you should treat other people and whether or not you should respect others or not.For example, how many times have you heard someone say that he or she has a good heart but has been mean all of his or her own lives? No matter how many times they tell you that they are nice, they actually do have selfish motive s. In some situations, people are judged and penalized depending on their morality.How would you feel if you found out that people don't always behave the way they should. Your first reaction may be anger. What if you just walked up to someone in a park and began to yell at them? Do you think that they would be okay with this because it wasn't intentional?In order to determine if a person is mean or not, you have to look at the person first. Everyone has a different behavior and these behaviors vary from situation to situation. You have to find out the main factor that affects the character. Then, you have to figure out the reason why this person is mean.Ethics is about how to be right. If a person can get his or her point across in an interesting way, then you can consider that person's ethics. You should also remember that ethics also depends on a person's attitude. It is impossible to be ethical in all of the time because people can't always be perfect.Ethics can help us determin e who to trust and who to not trust. Therefore, it is very important to practice ethics when we are around other people. If we are nice to others and respect others, then we are more likely to keep ethics in our daily lives.

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